Monday, October 7, 2013

Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Here are some of the things I've realized I already miss from the good ole' U. S. of A.
-Proper pillows. The Brits just don't understand real head and neck support.
-Bedding that doesn't cost an arm and a leg and isn't all synthetic. You never realize the beauty of cotton until you're in constant humidity.
-Half-sizes in shoes. Seriously. They hate me here. I can't find any shoe that's a 7 1/2 in US sizing that isn't over 30 pound. My bargain shopping heart has had to deal with a couple of heart attacks already.
- Tumble dryers. Three words. Lint. Humidity. Baggy. I miss the shrinking effect on my pants.
-Carne Asada.
-Chairs that aren't so easy to tip over.
-Real plush furniture.
-Keyboards that have the @ symbol on the 2 key. I've typed way too many suzanna.kincaid" already.
-Cuddles and princess tea parties.
-Booty shaking music at dances.
-Hugs. I'm a huggy person. I just need some lovin.
-My pantry. It's kind of annoying to have to completely start from scratch. I miss my spices. My staple cans of tomato sauce and black beans. Not to mention easy-access baking supplies.
-Other assorted mushy stuff like family and what-not.

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