So, this Michael guy seems pretty normal enough. Why am I making such a big deal out of it? Why am I acting like this is the example of why you shouldn't do online dating? If I was so weirded out by him, then why did I respond?
My name's Suzanna.
Was it silly of me to respond when his first message had been funny, but hinted at some major issues and creepiness? Yes. Was this just a simple cry for attention and a sign of my romantic/social desperation in Provo? Possibly. Was this terse response a simple end to the exchange with the oddly eloquent misogynistic man known as Irishdancer? No.
You realize of course Suzanna that its your ability to be able to talk about yourself beyond the normal question thats asked, that impresses me most with your Dimaggio like streak for saying the most interesting things and yet really not being able to back it up beyond a reply of something between 3 words and 3 lines.
And yes, its true your name is very pretty. it reminds me of other such pretty things such as the Terminator blowing away people, my ex wife reminding me that she is actually a gremlin in a human body or Jezebel and how at some point god she must have been downright sexy. But honest to god I can only imagine the passion and fire that lies behind that fortress that you call a heart, and when that drawbridge lowers, you unleashing that terrible excuse for airy fairy sex on some poor unsuspecting man or woman as you descend on them while their eyes scream yes but their lips cry no no dear god no.
And just as the added bonus, let me be the first to remind you that someone actually does find you attractive despite the horns and forked tail poking out from that rear end you call a backside and surprisingly enough, would like to know about you and how you are and what life is like for you, beyond the one word that is your name. so, How are you doing? How's your night been? What do you do for work?
Pardon me. My devilish self has to go work; and by work, I mean unleash my airy fairy sex on unsuspecting men, of course! Yippee!
Holy eff. So, this is what you were doing in the dorm room while I was at marching band? Dude, I should have skipped!!